Initially on a notepad only one character ‘A’ is present. You can perform two operations on this notepad for each step:
- Copy All: You can copy all the characters present on the notepad (partial copy is not allowed).
- Paste: You can paste the characters which are copied last time.
Given a number n. You have to get exactly n ‘A’ on the notepad by performing the minimum number of steps permitted. Output the minimum number of steps to get n ‘A’. Leetcode
int result = INT_MAX;
void get_steps(int cur, int pasted, int step, int n) {
if (cur == n) {
result = min(result, step);
} else if (cur > n) return;
// paste
get_steps(cur + pasted, pasted, step + 1, n);
// copy
if (cur != pasted) get_steps(cur, cur, step + 1, n);
int minSteps(int n) {
if (n == 1) return 0;
get_steps(1, 1, 1, n);
return result;
2가지 동작 중 선택해서 step을 늘려가면 된다. cur
을 현재 개수, pasted
를 복사된 개수라고 했을 때, Paste
의 경우 cur = cur + pasted
가 되며 Copy All
의 경우 pasted = copy
가 된다.
규칙을 찾아서 해결하는 풀이도 보인다.
int res = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++){
while (n % i == 0) {
res += i;
n /= i;
return res;
81 -> 81 / 3 = 27
-> 27 / 3 = 9
-> 9 / 3 = 3
-> 3 이런 방식인 것 같다. solution